By nopissleft - 20/12/2013 21:05 - Sweden - Stockholm

Today, I woke up to a loud crashing in the middle of the night. I went to investigate, but found nothing amiss. Nothing except an axe firmly wedged in my front door, that is. It's safe to say that I have no clue who did it, and that I needed a fresh pair of underwear. FML
I agree, your life sucks 48 019
You deserved it 2 925

Same thing different taste

Top comments

"Officer, somebody embedded an axe in my door and then peed in my underwear"


HERE'S JOHNNY!!!!!!! Seriously though you might want to consider moving

good luck to you sleeping properly in that house ever again

nachosbabygurl 9

My first thought: "Sounds like Sweden". Then i checked the location. I kid you not.

HJKM_fml 19

Get a dog and a security can installed right outside your front door. A small one, so no one sees it and tries taking or destroying it.

The idea of a security can amused me way more than it should have...

It was the idea of installing a dog that got me.

I love my dog but I wouldn't want to see him go up against an axe. Dogs really aren't that much of a deterrent against really determined people.

You heard a loud noise during the night and went to check it out? I thought only people in the movies did that. And usually get horribly killed. :)

Buy a gun! I hear bullets fly faster then an axe.

MermaidAnnariea 10

you have my axe! no really, have it.