By Samuel - 21/05/2010 19:12 - Canada

Today, I woke up to find my power was out. After taking a shower in the dark and being unable to make myself lunch, my power came on two minutes before I had to leave for school. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 341
You deserved it 3 995

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you can't make lunch without electricity? WTF man. that's pathetic

I think your school finds it a proper excuse why you were late if you didn't make it in the end. It sounds like the black out wasn't only in your house so they can even look it up if it is that horrible your late


sugarhighwhoo 3

LOL @ 9 if you're serious. You are retarded. You don't need ELECTRICITY to shower, water is through plumbing. lmfao

15- mine needs power to work. I have a won't turn on otherwise. geez.

tboudre 0

so? how in the world did this make FML?

there isn't any daylight before school? and i dont know about you, but I make my lunch te night before...

I wondered about that. Do you go to night school, OP? How difficult is it to make a sandwich in the dark or the daylight or in the two minutes before you had to leave?

maybe op lives in a place where there's no windows :/

PaintTheStars 2

maybe it was six am and still dark.

That is all possible but it doesn't explain how OP can shower in the dark but not make lunch or why OP couldn't make lunch in that two minutes.

He might not have a window in the bathroom. I don't.

not possible u need electric for water pump to work

31- I know! people are giving me shit for it. that's what I was trying to say.

CyclonePsycho 1

Depends on how your water and electricity works.

FYLDeep 25

Not for most people. City water has pressure. Maybe if you have a private well?

RedPillSucks 31

Where we live as soon as you're out of the city limits you're on well water. A lot of people have that down here, and we're still in civilization, or a close approximation of it.

RODEOqueen 0

My water heater runs on gas, so I have hot water when the power is out. And I grew up in a house with a well. When the power was out the pump wouldn't work. Don't call someone stupid unless you know what you're talking about.