By vinniesuckmadack - 24/04/2009 17:53 - United States

Today, I woke up to go to school. I was unbelievably tired, but I gathered the courage to go take my shower. I then took a long shower, cleaned up my room, got dressed, and ate breakfast. Going back to my room, I looked at the clock, which read 3:22 AM. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 456
You deserved it 37 986

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've done this ringtone for my best friend is the same as my alarm. he called me at two AM one time and I got up and got to work at 3:15...

That's why I always look at my clock before getting out of bed. Haha, but on the bright side, you had more time to get prepared in the morning.


lmao, i've totally done this before and it sucks. I hate waking up early :( lol

Spiffy 0

This happened to me once. I got up at 1:30 AM and I got my school uniform on, woke up my brother to get ready and then realized what time it actually was.... my brother got angry at me and I felt stupid xD

i've done that, i've also done it after naps at like 6pm thinking it was am... but you take the time to clean your room early in the morning before you school? weirdo.

I did that, but I only got as far as pouring cereal, which I do first.

Lady_Luck 0

So it takes courage to get out of bed in the morning? Afraid of the monster under the bed? Me too D; lol

that has happened to me more times than you can count you are not alone my friend, you are not alone...

I did that once: Got up and went to have a shower. Once I got out, my dad started knocking on the door. "What are you doing? It's only 2:30!" Me: ?????? ...Dammit.

#17, I haven't I've never done this in my entire life. The first thing I do every single morning before I even take the blankets off is look at the clock. I have to know what time it is before I get out of bed. Waking up on a day you don't have school/work is understandable, since most clocks don't show the day of the week. But waking up several hours early and getting ready? No. It hasn't happened to me, and I really can't believe that anybody would wake up and do their morning routine before ever looking at the clock.

#101, just because YOU haven't done it, doesn't mean nobody else has. Lighten up.