By vinniesuckmadack - 24/04/2009 17:53 - United States

Today, I woke up to go to school. I was unbelievably tired, but I gathered the courage to go take my shower. I then took a long shower, cleaned up my room, got dressed, and ate breakfast. Going back to my room, I looked at the clock, which read 3:22 AM. FML
I agree, your life sucks 47 456
You deserved it 37 986

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I've done this ringtone for my best friend is the same as my alarm. he called me at two AM one time and I got up and got to work at 3:15...

That's why I always look at my clock before getting out of bed. Haha, but on the bright side, you had more time to get prepared in the morning.


Ugh, i've done that before. I woke up from my nap at 7:45 PM, and started getting ready for school. Took a shower, ate breakfast, got ready for class a class I thought I had in two hours. Yeah; never doing that again.

Oh man, that sucks.. I've done something like that, except I realised it before I got too woken up, and happily went back to sleep. Also, LOTS of people have to get up when it's still dark. I unfortunately have to be at work at 7 am so it's always dark when I leave my house.

azn_m16 0

Ughh I've done that before!!! I was like. ****! I woke up too early! I'm NEVER doing that again, hahah

you need courage to take a shower? dont you mean will power?

I agree with number 17! We've all done something similar at least once.

I must admit I have actually done that before, though I must say not quite that early.

suki987 0

Not everyone looks at clocks when they first wake up, and even sometimes they can read the clock wrong. I've done that numerous times; I thought my alarm clock said 6:00 [i wake up at 5] and, since I have dark curtains on my window it wouldnt have shown sunlight or not, so I jumped up and got ready for school-- it actually said 12:30 = I couldn't get back to sleep >_>

Why would you not look at the time when you wake up? That's literally one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. You definitely deserve this.

fail_truck 0

Wow. I didn't know that -not being able to look at a clock when you wake up and thus making an idiot out of yourself- was such an epidemic.

I've done that before! Never that early, though. I usually will take a nap, and i've woken up at 7PM, thinking it was redressed and drove to work only to realize it was the same day lol.