By Anonymous - 30/03/2012 07:45 - Australia - Perth

Today, I woke up to what sounded like twigs snapping. Turns out it was the skull of a live mouse being crushed in my cat's jaws. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 263
You deserved it 2 745

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Huh seems like Tom finally caught Jerry :)

RedPillSucks 31

She brings you presents and all you do is complain.


The circle of life... Pet eats rodent, pet brings masticated rodent to owner for praise, owner vomits in disgust, owner posts FML.

johnnyrogers97 9

Wtf, you didn't finish the circle.

Rodent lives from puke, pet catches rodent

Sorry 25. Dead rodent's babies grow up, pet finds rodent...

Better hearing it than seeing it I guess

You'd rather the mouse run around your house and shit in your food? Most cats are just satisfied lounging around and licking themselves all day, waiting for you to feed them. You, on the other hand, have a mouser. Thank your lucky stars you have a cat that saves you from vermin AND saves you money on cat food.

My cat just plays with things. He won't even kill bugs, he just flicks them around and chases them. Stupid cat.

and i was just about to eat. thanks to you i am not hungary anymore.

tylersign 11

Don't worry, you can still be Turkey. Bahaha.

Don't you just Haiti it when that happens?

I guess that's why the cat looked like a monster in "The Rats of Nim."

*NIMH -national institute of mental health. I have loved that movie since i was a kid and my son loves it too!

Yay!! Good kitty. Hope you rewarded him for being a mouser. If I was gonna have a cat it would have to be a mouser, otherwise what's the point?

lovepandorasaver 11

Yeah i've heard that sound, pretty rugged if I remember correctly.