By Anonymous - 30/03/2012 07:45 - Australia - Perth

Today, I woke up to what sounded like twigs snapping. Turns out it was the skull of a live mouse being crushed in my cat's jaws. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 263
You deserved it 2 745

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Huh seems like Tom finally caught Jerry :)

RedPillSucks 31

She brings you presents and all you do is complain.


lksdliz 9

That'll do cat. That'll do.

XxDancerGirlxX 17
moneybagz131 6

My dog did that. It was actually pretty epic but heartbreaking a well

Om nom nom nom goes the kitty on some prey! I bet that was a great way to wake up!

Aww. That's so cute! Be proud of your cat.

Cats are little killing machines with no mercy.

BradTheBrony 19

Whoa, whoa, wait up! Why, again, were you not AROUSED? *whisper whisper* Wait... WHAT? Uhhh... never mind?

BradTheBrony 19

Good kitty. Mousers are good cats, and if you know yours is one, that means YOU HAVE MICE. No need for an exterminator, your cat is a baws. Side Voice: Don't you mean he's a... *snicker* PAWS? *THWACK*

Did he offer to share any of it with you? I heard mouse skulls are extremely delicious.

kmluvsjw12995 5

Om-nom-nom MICE! XD I have a couple cats who are AHMAZING mousers. But it kinda sucks when you see the dead carcasses of mice and voles laying in a corner all over your house. The fact that your cat did that means that he/she really loves you and hopes that you never get rid of her/him.