By pinkblankets - 19/04/2009 01:55 - United States

Today, I woke up with really dry, chapped lips. Still in bed, without my glasses on, I sleepily reached down into my purse for some chapstick and applied it. Upon awakening later I realized I had mistaken a mini Sharpie permanent marker for chapstick. I have a job interview today. FML
I agree, your life sucks 49 089
You deserved it 29 884

Same thing different taste

Top comments

collegegirl8 0

how does drawing on your lips with a sharpie remotely feel like putting on chapstick?

mylifesucks52 0

you can use nail polish remover. it wont taste good but its that or sharpie. you can also use rubbing alcohol


gardensun11 0

you put sharpie on chapped irritated lips then went back to sleep? and a sharpie marker didnt burn? BS

I don't know how you couldn't tell when you touched the sharpie. When you opened the sharpie you couldn't smell it either? O_O You need to work on both of your sense.

Haha, am I the only one with a "Great Lips, Buy Now!" lip cream advertisement on the side of this FML? :]

You'd think you would have noticed when you lips were still chapped.... But how is that even remotely possible! Sharpies smell strong as hell... I seriously hope you were drunk when this happened...

cantth1nk0fnam3 3

i don't understand why your chapped lips would be the first thing you'd think about when you wake up but ok

lady4 0


agree with #10 >< you must be super duper blind, and also incapable of smelling.

it'll come off... permenant markers never stay permanent unless it's tattoo that has been embedded into your skin. rub like crazy and you will have red lips... no need for lips stick... although.. how did you NOT smell the sharpie and mistaken it so easily for chapstick...

tootsieroll 0

If you were interviewing for clown burger you would have got the job!!!