By AJShow80 - 13/04/2009 08:51 - United States

Today, I won 20 dollars on a lotto scratch off. My friend, pissed, makes me split the money, saying it was collateral for the gas money used to get us there. He then used his 10 dollars on a scratch off, and won 500 dollars. The jackass wouldn't split it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 123 253
You deserved it 18 233

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kissothis 6

"friend"? **** that. he could have given you SOMETHING... $500 is enough to hand at least $50 over... unless he was in dire need for that financially.

What a douche. Somebody who throws some shitty hissyfits over ten bucks is the kind of asshole I would distance myself from immediately.


Beeebop 0
ShamCross 0

Just steal whatever he buys with it. jk. I agree with #13

Jennifer83 0

Sounds like it's time to find a new friend cause yours is obviously a douche bag

hatfrog 0

Shitty friend. If me or a friend won such amount of cash, we'd go party on the money won, not bicker about it.

Osakhomen 0

10 dollars for gas? How far was this gas station? And it was YOUR Jackpot winnings that allowed him to get the ticket, you should at least get like 100 bucks. Seriously, he didn't have 500 bucks to begin with, what's 100 dollars off of money he didn't even have to earn? ... And wasn't he suppose to spend it on gas anyway?! Man, your friend is a douche! I had a friend who ask me to go with her to babysit because she was scared, and when she got paid she wasn't even going to give me any money.. AND I HAD DROVE HER THERE. I didn't let that crap fly, I got 20 dollars from it.

FrankyG94 0

Wow that guy's a douche bag i woulda punched him in the balls :) lol

#142 did you seriously read like all those comments. no life. and wow. why would you split 20 dollars. dumbass.

funny #142 its ironic cause you read them too, and now your back again reading this; oh and your friends a jerk for making you split barely any money and then ripping u off, call him an ass for me

wow. this is one of those FML's where someone deserves a crack in the face.

propelks09 0

i feel like he shouldn't be your friend