By AJShow80 - 13/04/2009 08:51 - United States

Today, I won 20 dollars on a lotto scratch off. My friend, pissed, makes me split the money, saying it was collateral for the gas money used to get us there. He then used his 10 dollars on a scratch off, and won 500 dollars. The jackass wouldn't split it. FML
I agree, your life sucks 123 253
You deserved it 18 233

Same thing different taste

Top comments

kissothis 6

"friend"? **** that. he could have given you SOMETHING... $500 is enough to hand at least $50 over... unless he was in dire need for that financially.

What a douche. Somebody who throws some shitty hissyfits over ten bucks is the kind of asshole I would distance myself from immediately.


000001 0

He could've at least given you the $10 back. Sucks to be you.

If your "friend" didn't make any prior arrangements with you, he has no business demanding a portion of your winnings. I'd suggest finding a new friend.

#71, sure there is. I hate know-it-alls. Especially when they are wrong.

FreedomFirst 0

I wouldn't hang out with him any more if I were you. That's just rude. Anyone who will hit you up for gas money for driving to the freaking Quick Stop is a selfish jerk anyway.

tab_ga1990 0

He could of at lease paid back your $10

AJShow80 0

Ill answer some questions. BTW these comments are hilarious.. haha. No, im no longer friends with the toolbag. I gave him 10 bucks cause the douche would not shut up, and he only drove me about a mile. I paid 1 dollar for my scratch off so i didnt really mind. I had only known him for around a month. I didnt even get my 10 bucks back. Remember without my money, he wouldnt have won at all.