By Anonymous - 08/02/2013 00:28 - Canada - Hagersville

Today, I won $50 on the lottery. On the subway home, I checked my pocket to see if the money was still there. A very professional man in a suit yelled, "Hey, that's mine!" I got several dirty glares. I'm such a pathetic wimp that I gave him the money. FML
I agree, your life sucks 15 425
You deserved it 55 990

Same thing different taste

Top comments

YDI for complaining about losing the money when it was your choice to keep it or give it away.

Just_STFU_Please 13

* let me see of my balls are still intact........... Nope, guess that guy took those too*


you should've called him a lying, son of a ***** and challenged him to a duel. but i guess your way works too, for a spineless coward. ydi op.

Two words for you: Assertiveness Training. Or, three words: Grow some balls.

YDI not for handing over the money, but because you checked it on the subway. Also, don't you have or use a wallet...that's what they are made for!

softlikesunset 15

You need to stand up for yourself. You can't always let people take advantage of you.

KiddNYC1O 20

I would've been like "Hey, **** off!"

skyeyez9 24

Wth...**** all of those judgmental assholes and that lying jerk! I would not have given up MY money to some idiot stranger. Don't ever flash money in a crowded area. Especially a subway. There are too many savages that wouldn't think twice about shoving you onto the tracks of an oncoming train after stealing your cash.

TheHeavyOne 15

No pity, the weak make themselves targets.

Nobody should know how much money you're carrying. All you had to say was "I have no idea what you're talking about, sir" with a dirty look, and walk away. It doesn't matter what anybody thought, you weren't a thief.