By fuck the man-dominated construction business - 19/06/2013 16:18 - Finland - Helsinki

Today, I won an argument against a sexist co-worker. When I left later on, I jumped into my car to drive home, but managed to reverse it into a parked excavator. Guess who's going to hear virginal jokes about women drivers from now on. FML
I agree, your life sucks 37 795
You deserved it 17 983

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I have to agree that it depends on the driver and not the sex of the driver. I work with an lady every day. Were paramedics. I trust her with my life when it comes to responding to calls.

I think it really depends on the driver. Honestly, when my mom used to drive me to school she was a monster. xD


I have to agree that it depends on the driver and not the sex of the driver. I work with an lady every day. Were paramedics. I trust her with my life when it comes to responding to calls.

21-i think you said the opposite of what you meant

whowantstoknow12 10

Sounds like you unintentionally drove his point home. (Not that I agree with him in any way).

You should tell the excavator engineer to stop parking it between the living room and the kitchen.

You should tell the excavator engineer not to park it between the living room and the kitchen.