By farmakakis - 21/12/2009 06:25 - Australia

Today, I wore a pair of glasses with no lenses because I thought I'd look smarter. I ended up poking myself in the eye several times, leaving it swollen. So much for making me look smarter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 5 646
You deserved it 56 640

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pnckswthsrp 0

How do wearing lens-less glasses make you look in any way smarter? :P

The key to looking smarter is to be smarter. instead of wearing fake glasses, try actually studying and reading. Then you'll look smarter. Wearing fake glasses with the lenses out will just make you look too poor to get real glasses. Moron.


wtf is this? fml mods you have disappointed me again

leggomygreggo112 0

Those of us who need to wear glasses suffer because of idiots like the OP who think it looks cool. You guys can buy 2 pairs of glasses for like $99, whereas my glasses - not even the frames, here, folks, just the lenses - cost ~$300. All of the stupid deals that shops offer are for people who don't even need them. Lens-less glasses are just ridiculous anyway. Why would you want to wear glasses if you don't have to?

how does wearing glasses make a person poke his/herself in the eye repeatedly? Did the glasses REALLY have anything to do with it? Is this something you do for fun on a daily basis?

YDI for trying to wear glasses to "look smart". Instead of trying to look the part, why don't you do that lil thing called work and actually GET smart. YTDI.

ponder_it 0

that is why you my friend, are an idiot.

haha this reminds me of my ex's new girlfriend. she does this all the time and we're like "WTF?"

wearing glasses with no lenses doesn't make you smarter it makes you look like an idiot because everybody will look at you and think you look like an idiot. You do know that you can get "faux" glasses that just have regular plastic or glass lenses right?

This. ^ They make glasses with clear plastic lenses. That's what they use for the display models at eye doctor and for actors.

fnyunj 3

Funny. The Chinese invented glasses (simple reading-glasses), and it was considered the mark of an "intellectual" - during the time of Confucius. The BIGGER the glasses, the smarter you were. (okay, the Italians; in Venice, invented corrective lenses, and kept it a trade-secret for hundreds of years, so only the super-rich could afford them).