By anyoldnamewilldo - 11/12/2014 16:10 - United States - Cincinnati

Today, I wore what I thought was a hideous sweater from the thrift store for an ugly sweater contest. I've gotten more compliments on it than anything else I've ever worn. I can't even succeed at failure. FML
I agree, your life sucks 32 554
You deserved it 3 914

Same thing different taste

Top comments

The best time to wear a stripped sweater is all the time...

cadillacgal79 32

Maybe they were complimenting on the ugliness?


start wearing clothes which you think are ugly then you will just get compliments every time

ndnpride88 25

everything turns out for best at the end...

Well you can do well at a formal event with that sweater

IAmzephyr 22

wouldnt failing at failing still be.... failing?

TMramrod 15

No lie the SAME thing happened to me at work today too lol

imbatmanfir 15

But if you succeed at failing, are you really failing or succeeding?