By frenchy - 24/03/2009 05:47 - United States

Today, I work in a grocery store and a woman suffering from diarrhea somehow managed to get shit up and down two of the store aisles, then go to the ladies room and mess up the stall. I was the only one working trained in deal with bio-hazardous waste so I had to clean it up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 124 876
You deserved it 9 171

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Ugh....I had this happen with someones kid when I was working in a childrens clothing store. The kid told the mom for 30 minutes that she had to go potty, and the mom ignored her. She left a trail of diarrhea all over our store. I had to clean it up because I was 17 at the time, and the only one working who wasn't a manager. Gross. People are disgusting and rude. I'm sorry you had to deal with this!!

ugh that's disgusting, i understand it can be hard to hold explosive diarrhea in, but honestly at the first sign of pain down there you should probably skidaddle to a bathroom ASAP. sorry you had to deal with that :(


Aish_fml 0

Wow was the bitch wearing underwear? Or pants for that matter?

And the moral of the story is.. Never inform anyone that you are trained to deal with biohazardous waste.

"Today, I was in a grocery store when I had a sudden and horrific attack of diarrhea and I ended up ******** up and down two aisles. I finally managed to get into the ladies room, where I continued to spew all over the stall. FML." I don't know who really has it worse here, my friend: you, or this poor woman with ******-up bowels.

xlucklessloverx 0

how are u "trained" to clean up other peoples shit??

LOL, since when is diarrhea considered "biohazardous waste"? Haha at #105, and that whole thing really blows. I feel sooo bad for you!!!

There really is nothing to say except that's just absolutely putrid Lmao #19

How much stomach irritating food do you have to eat to spew crap all over two aisles, and a bathroom? For some reason that reminds me of South Park.

christopherlove 0

That would have been my last day at work, as there is not a chance I would have cleaned that up.

That's just unlucky. I feel bad for you.