By Sarri - 18/02/2014 02:13 - United States - Pembroke

Today, I worked up the courage to sing at an open mic night. I lost my cool halfway through because all I could hear was laughter. FML
I agree, your life sucks 43 416
You deserved it 5 412

Same thing different taste

Turn around, Bright Eyes

By Alma - 01/10/2024 20:00 - Japan - Osaka

Today, I was at a karaoke bar. After a few drinks, I gave it a go. Halfway through “Total Eclipse of the Heart” I got so into it, I knocked over the mic stand. The mic flew off, hit the DJ, who then hit the emergency stop button, cutting off the music. I froze as the bar erupted into laughter. I did get a free Coke for my “performance,” which was something. FML
I agree, your life sucks 327
You deserved it 186

Top comments

that wasnt very nice it takes a lot of guts to be able to stand up and do that in front of people. I say good for you forget what all those people did they were not at all nice :) try again later

Next time don't sing "Wrecking Ball". And don't do it naked.


Dodge4x4Ram 46

don't take the laughter seriously said no one

Maybe the people knew you were nervous and tried to laugh to make you feel better. It feels horrible, but this has happened to me. Don't automatically assume that you are bad.

Well, there are a lot of persons like you who think they can sing when they actually sound horrible. You totally deserve it. #39: You're not fooling anyone. People don't laugh to make you feel better. It never makes anyone feel better to have people laughing at you.

the real question is have you heard one direction without auto tune? if they sound anything like that it doesn't matter how much courage they have. if they sound even 20% better than that then the drunks are assholes

notapotato 12

Same thing happened to me...You'll get over it though :D

Props for the courage you'll get it and be a big hit (maybe)...

Sorry OP. Not everyone was born to be a singer. Kudos to you for trying. I am sure you are great at many other things.

Well, the important thing is that you tried. Next time, get some lessons, sing again, and make. Them. EAT IT!!!

but you had the courage to try. that's the important part

Practise Makes perfect continue trying you wil get there in the end. ^-^