By Anonymous - 16/10/2009 20:56 - United States

Today, I wrote the most beautiful college application essay ever, ten minutes before the online deadline. Instead of clicking "submit", I clicked the button next to it that said "return". The entire essay vanished into internet wasteland. FML
I agree, your life sucks 23 685
You deserved it 46 217

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ydi for not taking the proper time to write the application. And for writing it in the browser. and for not turning it in earlier.

Learn a lesson, maybe? COPY AND PASTE FROM A DOCUMENT!


CyclonePsycho 1

Despite what you may think, "beautiful" essays are hardly perfect and amazing on their very first draft. Especially when they are written in the browser. If you didn't have the sense to use a Word (or some sort of equivalent) document as a back-up, and if you didn't have the sense to plan ahead, then you don't have the sense to write fantastic essays. Don't wait until the last minute. YDI.

fuckyou1337 0

Also with most typed things on the web if you go to another page and hit the "back" button in your browser it stays there.

xd0rkiee 0

YDI. Any good writer knows not to write their first draft on the computer. WRITE IN ON PAPER FIRST. It wasn`t as good as you thought.

LemonFairy 0

While OP does completely and utterly deserve it, hand-writing doesn't work for some people just like typing doesn't work for some people. You can't generalize what a "good writer" does and does not do, because the writing process is unique for each person. (...You can totally blame Zinsser for this comment. I finally picked up a copy of "On Writing Well" and I've been at it most of the night. *is shot for being an uber dork*)

So you're one of those people who thinks that if people don't have the exact same writing technique as you, then they're not good writers?

I have never once written an essay draft on paper first, except when I was in ELEMENTARY SCHOOL.

All of my high school teachers have encouraged me to write drafts on paper. It's not unheard of...

Look on the bright side, if you can't even click the correct button to apply it's extremely unlikely you would have been accepted by the college (assuming they have some sort of screening process / minimal standards). Sooo, basically you just saved yourself a lot of disappointment. What's there to be all FML about?

Torskerl 0

This is why you write the essay in Word, save it, then copy and paste. YDI moron.

you gotta microsoft word that shit. YDI.

satanstoystore 0

its an application. if you cant pass the application procedure, then (rightfully so) you shouldnt be accepted. maybe next year you will be mature enough to plan ahead. wanting it badly isnt sufficient.

waterynuggets 0

That was intelligent. YDI dumbass.