By Anonymous - 11/08/2011 05:44 - United States

Today, I zoned out in a coffee shop for about two minutes and was brought back to reality when a woman smacked me out of my seat. Apparently I was staring at her chest while zoned out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 243
You deserved it 7 203

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Last time that happened to me it was a transsexual, her name was Alecia. Best hookup of my life, although her legal name was Billy, our love was real and true. So two days went by and as our passion reached new heights she caught me hitting on the cashier in walmart. We broke up shortly afterwards. She's now with boners.

oh god lol i completely forgot what the fml was after reading that


theonlysweetpea 10

Why'd she let you look? Bitch seems like she liked the attention but was mad when she realized you weren't actually seeing her. Attention *****.

Why do women get the idea They can assault guys with no repercussions? I would havegiven her a hard slap right back. Then told her no one wants to look at ugly girls.

getsome23 0

hope it was worth it numb nuts

", this is hot. It could really do with a some quick, strong blowing. Ahhh, topped up with milk, just how I like it. Creamy, smooth. One lump? No, two, two lumps, that's best. And I love this muffin - a nice curved light brown muffin with a yummy red berry poking up on the top. Sweeeeet. Making me drool. I must remember to buy two pillows today. I wonder what it would feel like to go to sleep with my head between two pillows? You could probably suffocate doing that, but it wouldn't be a bad way to go. They you get an erection when you suffocate, or was that when..." **SLAP** Hey! What I do?

kaymi 17

My thoughts do go like that some days. damn zoning out will be the death of me. lol.

alisidewinder 9

U: (snaps back after slap) HEY! I was trying to figure out how small they could be! Geez!

bizarre_ftw 21

Say "sorry I was spacing out. Don't worry, I would Never stare at Your chest *smile*"

julianna170 4

That sucks when that happens. I accidentally stare at some people so whenever I zone out I make sure I'm not looking at anything haha

kingatowning 2

Bitches be gold diggers. Especially with the economy still in shambles. A gold diggin bitch wants a cash cow who will do and buy whatever the bitch wants. So guys please be smart. Bitch dependency is a serious problem! If you're not careful a bitch can ruin you're life. And even take your money!

I HATE it when that happens to me... one time, I stared at this semi-cute (extremely ignorant and rude) guy at lunch in 6th grade. I didnt know I was staring at him. but he thought I was checking him out. I don't remember if I was actually zoned out, or if I was thinking about how annoying he was. ah, life's mysteries. FYL. I feel your pain.

a_nutritionist 10

replace "many" with "a handful of no more than 5 who are actually working themselves". a student wont care, a volunteer worker wont care, and an unemployed woman will be more understanding. working women? hahahaha...yeah right.