By Anonymous - 11/08/2011 05:44 - United States

Today, I zoned out in a coffee shop for about two minutes and was brought back to reality when a woman smacked me out of my seat. Apparently I was staring at her chest while zoned out. FML
I agree, your life sucks 33 234
You deserved it 7 201

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Last time that happened to me it was a transsexual, her name was Alecia. Best hookup of my life, although her legal name was Billy, our love was real and true. So two days went by and as our passion reached new heights she caught me hitting on the cashier in walmart. We broke up shortly afterwards. She's now with boners.

oh god lol i completely forgot what the fml was after reading that


saturnsonic 3

ive been guilty of this

ya, I sooo don't do this on a regular basis ( sarcasm )

RuskiManBearPig 4

dude that happens to me all the time

Better than me - I'd zone out on the bus, just daydreaming and staring out the window or whatever, and I'd come back to some trashy ghetto black woman screeching some slurry of syllables my way and it being something about the expression on my face. Subhuman trash.

Seems like a lot of guys 'zone out' and stare...always at chests. *eye roll*

Zoning out always happens at the most weirdest times