By Miguel - 20/08/2011 19:40 - United States

Today, in algebra, I took out my notebook. My Chinese teacher was so impressed with my "Chinese" writings on the cover that I'm now her "favorite student". Those "Chinese" symbols are actually Japanese, but I wanted someone to like me so badly that I didn't correct her. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 310
You deserved it 5 638

Same thing different taste

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To the people asking what kind of chinese teacher doesn't know the difference, because of the orgin of Japan, in many cases japanese characters look identical to chinese characters

Well...if it was kanji, I see how your teacher could have been mistaken. 愛, or example, is both Japanese and Chinese for 'Love'..!

All three alphabets used in the Japanese language originate from classical Chinese. If it was written in Kanji, it's easy to mistake since the characters are similar to contemporary Chinese and sometimes even identical to classical Chinese. I can understand Chinese characters and my Chinese friends can understand some of my Japanese Kanji. Perhaps your knowledge of Japanese is as limited as you think your teacher's knowledge of Chinese is.

I'm confused. Do you mean she's your Algebra teacher, and she happens to be Chinese? Or does she teach your Chinese class? Especially if she's a math teacher and doesn't specialize in the Chinese language, you really can't blame her for not knowing the difference. Many written characters are shared between Chinese and Japanese.

The OP said he was in algebra and the teacher was Chinese.

Why was your Chinese teacher in your Algebra class?

slhiggx 17

Everyone seems to believe op that the characters are Japanese. But I’m sure a Chinese person would recognize Chinese characters better than someone named Miguel recognizing Japanese. IJS