By Anonymous - 13/03/2011 22:26 - United States

Today, in an attempt to impress a girl I like, I tried to crush a soda can by hitting it with my forehead. Not only did I fail, I knocked myself out in the process. When I regained consciousness, the girl was gone and someone had taken the liberty of drawing a penis on my face. FML
I agree, your life sucks 14 762
You deserved it 73 899

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Yeah because all any girl wants is a guy who can crush things with his head. Idiot.

samadams42 0

They should've drawn pussy on your forhead.


AtOmiK_R3ApEr 0

Yes because smashing a can into my face will make girls like me and really intelligent

On the bright side, you probably made her laugh?

BuckLuck 0

We all else fail...use Ur head silly!! Dumbass

emariebake 0

girl wouldn't have been impressed anyway.

girls are NOT impressed by some douche bag crushing anything on their forehead.

that1guy95 0

So many other ways to impress a girl, yet you chose to smash a can on your forehead? HAHAHAHAHA! XD

the fact that you thought that would impress her is funny enough !!