By AlexB - 19/08/2016 07:01 - United Kingdom - Blackpool

Today, in an effort to try and get fit, I was doing yoga on my carpet when my foot slipped. It went under my radiator, which peeled the skin off my heel like peeling a potato. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 396
You deserved it 1 458

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Awww I'm so sorry OP. I hope your wounds heal soon, and you can get in shape :)


That's sounds god awful but why is your radiator so hot in August? FYL

My wife just pointed out the difference between NYC radiators and radiators in some European countries. The bottom of the radiator was sharp - I see that now. Sorry OP. FYL

FalloutScrolls 25

I cringed reading this. Speedy recovery, OP.

Xelabasat 14

I hope your heel heals, for real, get a nice meal with Shaquille O'Neal. If you dont finish, be sure to get a togo box and seal it, otherwise youll have to kneel to pick it up. On the topic of meals, how do you like veal? You can get it at the local Wheel and Peel, as well as fresh eel and pet seals.

im sorry j accidentally hit "you deserve it"

Ack! I actually felt this FML in my stomach. At least the radiator wasn't hot or you'd have made footato chips and they aren't any good unless dried scalp is sprinkled on top. Hope you heal quickly OP!

Ouch! That sucks! But honestly, I think that's one reason they have yoga mats.