By AlexB - 19/08/2016 07:01 - United Kingdom - Blackpool

Today, in an effort to try and get fit, I was doing yoga on my carpet when my foot slipped. It went under my radiator, which peeled the skin off my heel like peeling a potato. FML
I agree, your life sucks 16 396
You deserved it 1 458

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Awww I'm so sorry OP. I hope your wounds heal soon, and you can get in shape :)


healthcarechick 9

Anyone that says you deserve this or that its your fault is a complete DOUCHEBAG!!!!!!!

Ugh! I'll never be doing yoga near a radiator now.

Greg1154 10

What do you mean under your radiator? Huh??? That's for a car..