By Noalixah - 27/10/2008 02:22 - Finland

Today, in the early hours of the morning, a worker started drilling the road right in front of my window. He stopped 5 minutes before my alarm clock rang. FML
I agree, your life sucks 54 699
You deserved it 3 918

Same thing different taste

Top comments

That sucks! Everyone knows those minutes are the most crucial and decide between feeling refreshed and ready to take on the world, and slamming the snooze button on your alarm clock five times in a row until you realize you're gonna be late for work.

sashastryker 0

yes its 5 minutes but those 5 minutes mean alot if one hasnt slept much. ive been through that it totally sucks, it makes you feel more drowsy than anything.


sallen0046 4

This isn't a fml. It's just part of every day living. You were not the only person affected, and I'm sure would eventually be complaining about whatever problem they were attempting to correct.

vreaulamata 0

thats not FML thats just sht happening so what it doesent happen every morning now that would be fml Get real ppl!

kproooutt5 0

cry me a river. it was only 5 minutes. calm down..

joy118 5

5 minutes was the amount of time OP was allowed to sleep before they had to wake up, i'm assuming much more than 5 minutes was time spent trying to sleep while loud obnoxious sounds were outside. I'd be grumpy too.

sashastryker 0

yes its 5 minutes but those 5 minutes mean alot if one hasnt slept much. ive been through that it totally sucks, it makes you feel more drowsy than anything.

I don´t understand why everyone here is so aggressive towards u. I can totally understand ur POV. I´d be pissed, too.

I know EXACTLY how you feel :P they built a road in my backyard for 2 years. I got no sleep at all.

Adovock 6

Sucks to be you man. Total FYL

weepingangel_fml 7

I love how spaced out the comments are. XD