By Anonymous - 13/02/2014 15:20 - United States - Reno

Today, in the very middle of the night, my kitten started rubbing against my face. Thinking I saw her face in the darkness, I decided to kiss her before going back to bed. My lips made contact with her butthole. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 285
You deserved it 19 008

Same thing different taste


My cat sleeps on a pillow by my head...I always imagine we are both head to head sleeping but when I wake up sometimes...yep.

you know they love you when they stick their ass in your face ;)

I just laughed so hard at this, and I am so so sorry, OP. Ahahahahahaha!

cheesy_wotsit 20

Arse kiss the boss, not the cat!

ArbiterOfFML 24

must of been a shitty day ~Were it so easy?~