By Anonymous - 13/02/2014 15:20 - United States - Reno

Today, in the very middle of the night, my kitten started rubbing against my face. Thinking I saw her face in the darkness, I decided to kiss her before going back to bed. My lips made contact with her butthole. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 285
You deserved it 19 008

Same thing different taste


josiemorehouse 12

I don't know who deserves the FML more: you or the cat!! Sorry OP, but this FML is priceless!! Ha!

Nastorrian 11

How would you not know.. Clearly the human.. Cats lick their own asses all the time that would be just norm for them..

Cats are superior you just proved that to her by kissing her ass

skipper2009 18

I wonder what the very middle of the night is?

skittyskatbrat 19

"For Valentines Day, my cat got me a chocolate....starfish" Uck. But, yeah, that's a cat for you....

edvin_fml 10

GOOD, GOOD! keep it up! it doesn't hurt to to play it safe. you never know when your cat's plot to kill you will take effect

haha, what if it's actually not the cats wanting to take over the world, but guinea piggs? :o

Given where cats lick, it probably makes less difference than you think.

ThomasBombadil 31

Oh my god #81, this is so f-n true. I bet all the cat smoochers out there reading this just threw up a little.

That's exactly how Bob Costas got pink eye! Cept' from a his Sochi hotel room. Both!!!