By happy bday - 17/09/2010 04:02 - Canada

Today, is my 21st birthday. My friends took me to a bar to celebrate, knowing I don't drink. I'm now in charge of driving my friends home after they've had an awesome night. FML
I agree, your life sucks 29 003
You deserved it 9 396

Same thing different taste

Top comments

robc32ca 4

I still say the term "Friends" needs to be re-defined.


lifesokay255 0

that's what you get for not drinking

Why is everyone making such a big deal that the OP doesn't drink. It's merely something the OP chooses not to put in his/her body. Why does it seem like there are so many people commenting on here, who are so attached to their booze, they can't be bothered to understand that the OP chose not to drink, and they aren't going to convince him/her otherwise. Wow, huge run-on sentence, I apologize for that, haha. But no, point being, not everyone feels a reason or a need to drink, I just wish more people understood that...

RedPillSucks 31

They're clinging to their booze and lack of religion.

RedPillSucks, I disagree with the second half of your comment. I'm non-religious and I don't drink...

norwegian_wood: lets not play the stupid exception game here. theres always some PC douchka trying to invalidate good generalizations with insignificant exceptions, dont be one of them!

Not that I think anyone is going to be around to reply more to this at this point, but what the hell. ridikulous - But why make these sweeping generalizations when they are so obviously wrong? And I'm always an exception, I seem to just be a walking exception to just about a lot generalizations you could think of. Got a problem with that? ;P lol. No, but seriously, I hate generalizations, so I have to disagree on you're calling them "good generalizations". But that's just me...

You go, Norwegian_Wood. I don't drink and I'm not religious at all. And happy about it. Atheism and alcoholism don't go hand in hand (I only used the term Atheism for the alliteration ;) I don't mean to assume that you're Atheist simply because you're not religious). Alcohol is a personal choice (and for some a disease), just like religion. They're not related. Unless your religion prohibits imbibing alcohol, lol

I never drink either, out of choice. (An easy choice, really.) Oh then I got to be strictly religious, right? - Nope, not religious. A straight edge then? - After reading about it, no I'm not. Very carefull about my health so won't get any fun? - I think beer smells like piss and most alchools stink, and getting drunk dosen't call to me. -> Not. Interested.

Just call me ''socially akward'' if you feel compelled to put me into a box for the purpose of overgeneralization. Deal?

I hope you didn't get stuck with a bar tab. I think your friends are users.

EvilDave 13

You should have stopped at every gas station to "put gas in the car" and gotten money from your "friends" each time. Oh, and with friends like those, you don't need enemies. Maybe you should find some better friends.

Right. It's also a good idea to drink with someone who is aware of your diabetes, and knows what signs to watch for and what to do if you start acting drunk. The whole loss-of-inhibition thing can be dangerous if no one's keeping an eye on you. We've turned this into a bit of a PSA. :] But maybe it'll help someone be vigilant about their own or their friends' diabetes in a drinking situation, at least.

welcome to my life. Designated Drivers unite!

I am aware that diabetics can drink in moderation, but I also know several that hold off on drinking alcohol all together, my mother included. I was simply stating a few reasons.

tbonea1990 0