By over prtective father - 24/06/2014 04:35 - United States - Washington

Today, it became apparent that my father knows more about my boyfriend than I do because he spends so much time interrogating him. FML
I agree, your life sucks 45 627
You deserved it 5 555

Same thing different taste

Top comments

ZY1431 24

well hey he's looking out for ya.

HairyPunisher 27

Sounds like your pops is Judge, Judy, and Executioner.


icepick23 12

Maybe your dad is secretly bi

My Father in Law is a retired Marine Sniper. I feel you boyfriends pain

ckcknight 13

As he should! You should be happy your father cares about you!

Well it's all relative isn't it? There are also people whose dads are in jail or have left them or are dead. It's sad, sure, but it's not a green light for dads to get away with all the slightly smaller but still serious issues either. A problem is a problem.

I know that when my little girl gets to be that age, I'm going to take much pleasure in grilling her dates, and finding out exactly what their intentions are. It may be annoying, but at least he cares enough to want to protect you.

Sounds like your bf is wisely afraid of your dad

musicismyworld 3

Well if you knew a lot about him by interrogating him like your dad does, I don't think he would be your boyfriend. :)

Sounds like your boyfriend is a keeper if he still sticks around for you after that!