By Kitten_Love - 28/01/2013 19:52 - France - Paris

Today, it's been two months since I got a kitten. He loves to hide, and then surprise me by jumping out of his hiding place. It was quite a surprise when he launched himself out of my bag during class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 115
You deserved it 6 630

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Everyone must of thought you were cool. Carrying pussy in your bag...


Can you tell us what you did for the rest of the day? And what the cat did now that it's in school?

This is why I love kittens;-) They're so clever and mischievous but their cuteness makes it so hard to be mad at them for too I love puppies too, but I know a dog would bark and move around too much in OP's bag before it got to school. I hope u didn't get in trouble OP.

that's just completely adorable! I guess it makes a good pick up story there somehow?

still better than it jumping on your face and having to fight it off in the middle of class

That's too cute! And I'm not even a cat person...

Aww! I would be absolutely delighted!

A missed opportunity for a million hit youtube video right there.