By Kitten_Love - 28/01/2013 19:52 - France - Paris

Today, it's been two months since I got a kitten. He loves to hide, and then surprise me by jumping out of his hiding place. It was quite a surprise when he launched himself out of my bag during class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 119
You deserved it 6 632

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Everyone must of thought you were cool. Carrying pussy in your bag...


What a great excuse to take your cat too school in the future though!!

rockbandaddict85 22

When my cats were kittens I was afraid of that happening because they loved going in my bag

Other than it being an inconvenience (or possibly getting you into trouble) I don't see how this is an FML. It's very cute. :-) I can see it being difficult to deal with though, and disruptive. I had a kitten in high school, and she was taking a nap in my garment bag for marching band. Since I kept my flute,shoes, and the prop we had for our show, I didn't notice the extra bump. If she hadn't started meowing in the car, I would have taken her to a competition without knowing it!

I can't choose YDI or FYL. Where's the Awwww button?

I find that very cute! I once had a kitty who got into my bag too, not to sneak with me to school, no. He just wanted to pee on my French grammar. Try to rinse that smell off... Btw, my bag was brand new too....

Kallian_fml 21

My kitten liked climbing into my brothers school bag to shit. Also in his bed, in his clothes drawers, in his shoes... I think my kitty hated my poor brother.

Ithildyn 5

Your kitten's actions are understandable: French grammar is evil - and I say this as a native speaker. ;)

Dillyduzit 23

That's actually super cute. I wouldn't complain :)

Mads_1234 28

At least they know you get pussy...

that aint a fml, thats just super cute!