By Kitten_Love - 28/01/2013 19:52 - France - Paris

Today, it's been two months since I got a kitten. He loves to hide, and then surprise me by jumping out of his hiding place. It was quite a surprise when he launched himself out of my bag during class. FML
I agree, your life sucks 52 115
You deserved it 6 630

Same thing different taste

Top comments

Everyone must of thought you were cool. Carrying pussy in your bag...


blkbttrfly 6

awww how is this FML? he's gotta be so cute when he doesn't know what he's done wrong and looks at your with big kitten eyes full of love.

Aww thats so adorable. Cute evil little creature :)

cwjb99 9

Well its safe to say the cat loves you so much it has to be with you at all times

DarkJediLove 19

How is that an fml?! It would have made my week and probably everyone else around you too!

OMG! Too cute!! I have been very tempted to bring my three pound pup into school... Maybe I could say she just fell in my backpack and have her pop out mid lecture... Thanks for the plan!!

Maybe do this during test and,exam, create distraction, so that you can cheat off to get better grades. Bet you can easily pull it off

Sounds a bit like my cat.... As a kitten he would be attacking all day AND night.

You probably made everyone's day :D I know I'd have loved if that happened in class!