By VedaLynn - 03/12/2012 23:01 - United States

Today, it's my 21st birthday and my dad has decided to take away my ID in fear that if I have even one drink to celebrate I'll become a raging alcoholic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 036
You deserved it 2 690

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zingline89 18

That's exactly why I'm a virgin to this day. I'm afraid of becoming addicted to sex. Yeah. That's it.

Surely it's your choice if you did drink? Take it back and tell him to get out of your business.


Alcoholism might run in your family. Ask about that. There is evidence that addiction issues can be inherited (depending on your body and brain chemistry, you can be more or less likely to develop an addiction to any given substance, be it alcohol, nicotine, or whatever). If so just be aware of that and govern yourself as you see fit. Of. If not, you still need to be careful - a lot of young people screw up big time with alcohol. You can unintentionally do something that does follow you around for life.

CaroAurelia 12

Yeah. Alcoholism runs in my family, too. I got a BIG old spiel from my dad about the "bug." Decided I was going to be a teetotaller, but now I think I'll just drink in moderation. (I have no desire to ever get drunk, because it just doesn't sound fun. I think on my twenty-first, I'll just watch other people get drunk and laugh.)

I'm pretty sure you deserve it. But only because you let your dad take your ID.

You have been an adult for 3 years, so move out of your parents house. If you have, man up and take your ID back. If he refuses, call the police. A few days in jail will do your Dad some good.

r_bruce69 19

is it just me or is it retarded that the American drinking age is 21? so even most people in uni/college can't drink.

Your of age and haver ever right to drink if you want. He legally can't take your ID. Tell him you'll call the cops and report him for theft if he doesn't give it back.

It's my 21st birthday too! Happy Birthday :)

That's what friends are for. Party at ur house OP.

You're 21, TAKE IT BACK. Daddy can't control you anymore.