By VedaLynn - 03/12/2012 23:01 - United States

Today, it's my 21st birthday and my dad has decided to take away my ID in fear that if I have even one drink to celebrate I'll become a raging alcoholic. FML
I agree, your life sucks 26 036
You deserved it 2 690

Same thing different taste

Top comments

zingline89 18

That's exactly why I'm a virgin to this day. I'm afraid of becoming addicted to sex. Yeah. That's it.

Surely it's your choice if you did drink? Take it back and tell him to get out of your business.


Hey your 21 why don't u move out if the house??

I'm 21 too and I still live with my parents. I'm guessing op is like me with no job and can't afford to move out yet. Also probably can't find a job because no one is hiring.

73, stop sitting on the computer or cellphone paid by your parents and go hand out resumes, online applications, make an impression. You don't need skills to work a fast food joint, you just need to get your name heard.

simonetaylor94 6

umm wtf? ur 21 take tht shit baq

I hate it so much when parents think that this is the way to teach their kids something. If you never let someone learn to handle something on their own, they will never learn. Take your ID back and teach your father a lesson by showing him he should have trusted you with this decision...

I'm pretty stealing your I.d. Back would be proof that you're not responsible enough. Yeah it sucks, but if you're just going to go around your dads back and do whatever you want, how does that prove you're responsible?


59- It's really "going behind his dad's back" and "doing what he wants." You know, since OP is a legal adult now. He doesn't have to a damned thing his dad tells him to, or prove that he's responsible to him. It's not like a 16 year old trying to prove he can take the car out on his own. He's 21, which is the age of being a full-blooded adult in this country. Daddy can get into legal trouble for stealing another man's ID.

1) 18 is the legal age of adulthood in this country. 2) you're right, op doesn't have to do a damn thing their dad says. They also don't need to live at home. If you do one, you kinda have to do the other.


85, it varies state to state. In my home state, Alabama, you're not an adult until you're 19. What I meant was that at the age of 21 you get COMPLETE say-so over what you do. Alchohol isn't the only thing you have to be 21 for.

That fact that this is an "FML moment" for you scares me. You have the rest of your life to drink.

He should mind his business. You have the right to get trashed on your 21st birthday!

TweetAnne 13

He had no right to take your ID. You shouldn't of let him take it. I recommend you drink at home with your family, and prove to him that you can handle yourself. Please be responsible, don't get wasted and much less drink and drive. Know your limit and stick to it.

My dad was the same as VedaLynn's, and let me tel ya, that was a freakin' nightmare. My grandmother died of alcoholism, and my dad's got an addictive personality, so he figured it was genetic that i would end up an alcoholic if liquor ever passed my lips. So my mom bought my alcohol for me behind his back! And i didn't become an alcoholic.

september1395 7

You know you could always just get another ID...just don't tell anyone....

soulstrike23 6

Take back and tell him to get bent