By STUPID BIRTHDAY - 05/03/2009 07:24 - United States

Today, it's my birthday and I'd arranged a dinner party for 20 of my closest friends. I arrived at the restaurant, fully dressed and everything. When I got there, I thought everyone was ready to surprise me, but instead, nobody showed up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 104 168
You deserved it 6 941

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pinaypie 0

maybe you mistakenly gave them the wrong date or place? because I can't imagine all 20 people not showing up!

oh man poor you! especially at a restaurant sitting alone at a table meant for 20, that just makes it worse! I once did a birthday supper a few years back for about 20 people too and every came about 15 - 20 minutes late so I sat alone for 15 minutes thinking no one was going to come! even since then, I always make sure I meet up with one friend before so we can go to the restaurant together lolll


happy bday firstly it happens to the best of us man, ppl are always too busy on my bday but something always makes up for it

Gray_fml 0

That happened to me on my twelfth birthday! That BLOWS. Happy birthday though. :)

come on guys it's impossible to have 20 CLOSEST friends in friends the main thing is quality, not quantity i think this post is fake

I'm sorry but... 1) You set up your own surprise birthday party. 2) How are you gonna be surprised for the surprise party you set up for yourself? They probably thought you were a douche for setting up your own surprise birthday party.

This would be true. Except for the fact that OP NEVER SAID THAT IT WAS SUPPOSED TO BE A SUPRISE PARTY!!! It seems like alot of people these days don't have any reading comprehension skills. Or they're just so dumb they are unable to understand exactly what they are reading hahaha.

themanistheman 0

i hate all these people who are like "THIS IS SOOOO FAKE!! CALLED IT!" *high fives a poster of some hot girl on their wall. #65 what makes this seem so fake? if he said he got there, and they were all dead and he had sex with all the corpses because he hadn't had sex in 15 years, ok, i'd probably think it was fake too. but could you really not see this happening? almost every post on here has a comment saying it is fake. if you make up a story to put on here and it is about 20 people not showing up to a bday party you are a retard.

Get new friends... mine suck right now too. I would have come to your Bday party... you're paying right? :D

#67 i think this is fake, because a couple of people have said that they saw same story in "Sex and the City " episode. well if its true then shit happens.. you are not first

happy bday bru. if i was u id go clubbing and pay a round to everyone at bar for yr bday. ud have best time ever. And even if u make friends just for one night, and just because u paid them a drink u know u will remember it forever. beats inviting long time friends who dnt give a crap about you.

maybe you're not as cool as you thought =/

There's no such thing as "20 close friends" Maybe 6, but that's only in the tv show friends too.