By STUPID BIRTHDAY - 05/03/2009 07:24 - United States

Today, it's my birthday and I'd arranged a dinner party for 20 of my closest friends. I arrived at the restaurant, fully dressed and everything. When I got there, I thought everyone was ready to surprise me, but instead, nobody showed up. FML
I agree, your life sucks 104 168
You deserved it 6 941

Same thing different taste

Top comments

pinaypie 0

maybe you mistakenly gave them the wrong date or place? because I can't imagine all 20 people not showing up!

oh man poor you! especially at a restaurant sitting alone at a table meant for 20, that just makes it worse! I once did a birthday supper a few years back for about 20 people too and every came about 15 - 20 minutes late so I sat alone for 15 minutes thinking no one was going to come! even since then, I always make sure I meet up with one friend before so we can go to the restaurant together lolll


SURPRISE!!!!!! :O wow, that's rough. If it makes you feel any better, I woke up on my 15th birthday with 100s of ants crawling through my hair for a piece of food stuck there....

#41 OMG! I can't imagine that...thats...omg im speechless I would be soo depressed if all 20 people didn't show up. Hope you had something to cheer you up... sorry.

deer_fml 0

:( I'm sorry! I Hope you figured out that it was just a mix up! Happy birthday! I hope it was a good day besides that...

JeanNe91 0

aawwww :( well HAPPY BIRTHDAY though!!!!

Been there... Threw a barbeque party, invited 15 of my friends. No one showed up. $350 in steaks, chili, beer, etc. I ate real good for two weeks. So, when I say this, I know whereof I speak: Social get-togethers are dead. No one wants to be "inconvenienced" by someone elses schedule. You're lucky to get ONE person off their lazy ass for dinner. Friends or not. I've never bothered to try to host any kind of get together since. **** 'em.

This sounds soo Sex and the City. Has anyone ever seen that episode?

xoxoliz 0

number 51.. i was just going to say that... sex and the city episode much?