By birthdayfun - 23/03/2009 22:46 - United States

Today, it's my birthday. My mom decided to wake me up by having our new, previously stray, cat thrown on top of me. I was awoken to two claws ripping across my face which needed 16 stitches to fix. Happy Birthday. FML
I agree, your life sucks 498
You deserved it 37

Top comments

Was it your 16th birthday at least? D:

uhnonnuhmus 0

To get revenge, just throw the stray cat into the shower with your mom someday. Then run like hell.


itsme33_fml 0

yeah this is fake or at least exaggerated. 16 stitches? maybe if it was a tiger. Maybe

IDK, facial stitches are often smaller and more plentiful to (hopefully) avoid a scar.

#10's advice, YOU MUST DO IT! Seriously though, how the **** was it ever a good idea in your mum's head to throw a (previously) stray cat into her child's face? Oh wells, save from the stitches and a slashed face, hope you had a fantastic birthday! Now you can guilt-trip mum into getting you moar presents!

That's what you get for having a cat. Throw the beast in a wood chipper and see if it can claw it's way out of that.

Toxic_John 0

lesson learned only have dogs not cats

thats why dogs rule :) buutt..I'm sure your mom is abusing some sort of substance ...haha. normal people don't do that!

f0rged 0

Even if your cat had not been a stray, who the hell throws cats on people?! Especially when they're (obvoiusly) not declawed. Cats use their claws to help them stick their landing. My cat jumped down from the top of the couch onto me while I was napping once. Slashed my eyelid right open. Your mom sucks..

jafar_fml 0

i dont care who you live with, it is always wise to lock your bedroom door when you sleep, seriously

well first of all, Happy Birthday!! :) and it seems like, she had good intentions? I just think she wasn't too smart about it. and take the advice of #29 for sure.