By excusemeprincess - 11/02/2013 17:08 - United States - Middle Island

Today, it's my boyfriend's birthday. He really likes Legend of Zelda, so I put on a Link hat, took my clothes off, and waited for him at his place. He came home with a hooker. FML
I agree, your life sucks 57 789
You deserved it 4 263

excusemeprincess tells us more.

I'm the person who posted this. I just forgot to log in. Anyway, I DID kick him in his deku nuts and walk out on him. Thanks for all your hilarious comments guys. :)

Top comments

Wow. I feel like a cliche comment should go here. like. "I hope you dump him" or something along those lines. Because you really deserve better than that. Nobody should have to put up with some guy doing that kind of stuff.


LolYouDumb 4

Lol maybe you should have dressed as Link to feed his homosexual tendencies... Lmfao

I'm just glad you didn't say zelda hat

Did u at least agree to join in it was his birthday after all

flashback_fml 14

You sound perfect to me, except link is a guy ftr

fml_seriously316 13

He doesn't deserve you if he does that. That was wrong of him to do, and you are way too good for him.

Tarkinoof 2

You dressed up as a GUY to have sex with your bf? Hmm....

Zelda is a female character so I can see where this is going