By Dopeboyfresh71 - 19/12/2010 01:02 - United States

Today, it's my sixteenth birthday. The only gift I got was a bill from my parents. Apparently, the rent is due on the 1st. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 972
You deserved it 3 262

Same thing different taste


Happy Birthday. Welcome to RESPONSIBILITY. Get used to it, it only gets worse.

Mysterr_fml 0

Why would he call the cops on his PARENTS, ******* tards

FajitaFreak 3

That's disturbing. If I had a kid, I'd make sure he had a place to stay, however long he/she needed it. Or hell, wanted it. I'd want them to have a safe haven. A safety net. Why the hell would I want my kids to be scared of life? Not even sure they'll have a roof over their heads or food on the table? That's ******* hell (believe me I've been there).

making u pay rent at 16s illegal if ur in usa dude wtf

Terrible parents, I see. Failure to care for children correctly.

Rent at age 16? What do they expect you to pay rent with a part time job? Good grief. Talk about selfish...