By Dopeboyfresh71 - 19/12/2010 01:02 - United States

Today, it's my sixteenth birthday. The only gift I got was a bill from my parents. Apparently, the rent is due on the 1st. FML
I agree, your life sucks 34 972
You deserved it 3 262

Same thing different taste


flodezie 0

idk what's worse.. the fact that that's all u got or the fact that u are paying rent at 16!! FYL!!!

janise 2

@ jweezy89: I'm so glad you were able to save so much money by being an ungrateful loser who mooched off his parents. Did it ever occur to you that every dollar you saved when living there was a dollar your parents had to spend? IE you saved $5000 living there...they more than likely spent that much b/c of you.

skylier93 0
GoArmy6624 7

illegal. you have to be 18. you're still a dependent.

I still live at home. I'm 22 now but my parents requested I stayed at home till I graduated from university. As I live close to my university campus I didn't see a problem with that. So unless you know the complete story you can't judge somebody. My parents still have to pay the rent, whether I live there or not. Sure they need to pay more for food and utilities but I help them where ever I can by doing some chores and cook once in a while. Besides that I pay for the internet, my own insurance and other expenses I make. And according to my parents they like the company.

contact a lawyer. that's illegal. and don't worry, they'll hafta pay for the lawyer too ;)

Claiming you on their taxes isn't enough? They have to make money off of you too? No offense OP, but your parents sound like scumbags. I'm 21 and I live with my bf and his mom, and she doesn't make us pay a single cent. My mom never had much money but never charged me rent, and my dad is even begging me to move in with him at his apt WITH my dog and he will pay for everything. Because they know I want to go overseas for uni and need to save my money. Sucks OP, good luck with that.