By Anonymous - 14/05/2011 13:17 - United Kingdom

Today, it's my wedding day, and I have uncontrollable diarrhea. FML
I agree, your life sucks 67 772
You deserved it 5 156

Same thing different taste

Top comments

just wear a diaper. you can pull it off with a puffy dress.

traze 7

**** your life for real. You should get a butt plug.


CmarieMC23 3
weird_little_kid 0

sounds like your in a stinky situation

FreebirdIII 1
david000123 0
skyeyez9 24

Bring a toilet on the altar and sit on it while you say your vows.

Sounds like your're in a shitty situation.

imodium AD. I carry that in my emergency pouch

david000123 0

I bet shiting is better then getting marred!!!!!!!!