By blah - 01/02/2010 06:43 - France

Today, it's officially been two weeks since I found out I have mono. It's also been two weeks since anyone has visited me, called me, or even emailed me. The real kicker? I'm now fired from my job because they can't believe I can have mono twice in one year. I guess I'm just lucky that way. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 251
You deserved it 3 734

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I had mono and it's horrible. People shouldn't act like that. You don't even do anything and you get it. And you can only get it once in most cases. Fyl indeed for having people in your life who don't understand. And first, who cares If your first? And then you add ew? You're lucky you've never had it.


amb_787 0

ive had mono before to and i know how you feel FYL

When mono goes into a kind of remission it hides away in your spinal fluid, although it's rare, one can become symptomatic again and you needn't re-contract it.

I got mono as a kid and it works kind of weird. Some days you will feel fine (a little tired, but nothing really) and some days you will feel horrible. I got it twice, so yes it's possbile to get it again. Sadly, mono is the reason why I had to repeat kindergarden and can last for some time. It may sound a little weird, but taking warm showers and bathes, and eating sherbert seems to help.

Actually, it's an incurable virus. Once you have it, it never leaves your body. Most people only experience symptoms once, but it's not unheard of for the symptoms to recur in rare cases. This was supposed to be a reply to another comment, but whatever. I can't find the specific one, and there are lots of people who are commenting about the possibility of getting mono more than once.

ftb170 0

shit mono was the absolute worst I had it! but I doubt u can get it twice

Jestress 0

Aww. That's really messed. You definitely DO NOT deserve that. I hope you feel better REALLY soon.

XCaLX_fml 0

wow that really sucks and btw people, once you get mono you have it for life, you just may not have symptoms

blurgda 0

I'm pretty sure that's illegal to do. Especially if it was diagnosed by a doctor. You should really consider consulting with an employment attorney. Generally companies can't fire someone for a documented illness

It is VERY rare to get mono twice especially in one year, that is probably why the fired you if you have proof and are good at your job they should reconsider.