By blah - 01/02/2010 06:43 - France

Today, it's officially been two weeks since I found out I have mono. It's also been two weeks since anyone has visited me, called me, or even emailed me. The real kicker? I'm now fired from my job because they can't believe I can have mono twice in one year. I guess I'm just lucky that way. FML
I agree, your life sucks 31 251
You deserved it 3 734

Same thing different taste

Top comments

I had mono and it's horrible. People shouldn't act like that. You don't even do anything and you get it. And you can only get it once in most cases. Fyl indeed for having people in your life who don't understand. And first, who cares If your first? And then you add ew? You're lucky you've never had it.


Here is a step to prevent mono. If you drink from a water fountain, always let the water run for a full 5 seconds before starting to drink, to ensure any harmful "entities" residing within are swept away. Laboratory tests have confirmed this in water fountains across many different environments.

Comentator 0

Funny #122...OP you will have mono 365 times this year and the following. It never goes away, just into remission. I would sue them for firing you for being sick especially when you prove it.

ShopoingStor 0

Wow. That sucks ass. FYL dude. FYL. =P.

amb_787 0

mono doesnt go away. greaattt.!

FallonsRocket 0

I have mono right now too :( I feel for you. Didnt they give you some Prednisone? I suggest asking for it. What helps me, since my throat is so closed off, is drinking bubble water or soda. That way, you can breathe as you drink it. (If you have throat abscesses, gargling numbing throat spray mixed with Milk of Magnesia helps. Dont swallow.) I wish you well, especially about your job.

Get a note from your doctor that proves you have mono, then sue the motherfuckers who fired you for wrongful termination.

boatkicker 4

FML staff: Okay, I didn't really know how to get in touch with you which is why this is here, but I wanted to let you know there seems to be some kind of glitch were certain FMLs are showing new comments when there aren't any, and no matter how many times you go into that FML, or click "mark as read" they don't go away. I've had this problem with one FML for a while (#7566820) but now I've got this happening with #7770242 and #7768128 too, and there was another one earlier but that one finally went away. Not an immediate concern, but I wasn't sure whether or not you were aware of it, because I don't really know how things work on the staff end of things. Just thought I'd throw it out there, in case you weren't aware. If you were, sorry to bother you. ~Boat EDIT: I lied. The two that just started doing this have disappeared from the unread comments thing. Another one came up but I bet it'll go away in a few moments too.