By Anonymous - 24/07/2011 20:21 - United States

Today, it was hot out, so I opted to stay cool and wear my bathing suit all day. My mom took it as me rubbing in the fact that I'm thinner than her and grounded me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 885
You deserved it 5 664

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you're mom is really concerned about her weight to think like that lol...


Your mother is mean and bitter - you are younger, it's not surprising that you are thinner. She should be happy for you and if she's worried about herself then do something about it rather than turn on you. FYL

nicole327 1

what an annoying FML. "oh no, I'm thinner than my mom! it's so horrible" shut up

tell your mom to stop blaming you for being skinny and for her to go on the biggest loser.

akichan15 5

wow. your mom needs to grow up.... haha

crazygurlzz1 5

hahahhhaa is it bad that i find this funny?

OreoWoman88 3

What the hell is her problem?