By Anonymous - 24/07/2011 20:21 - United States

Today, it was hot out, so I opted to stay cool and wear my bathing suit all day. My mom took it as me rubbing in the fact that I'm thinner than her and grounded me. FML
I agree, your life sucks 40 885
You deserved it 5 664

Same thing different taste

Top comments

you're mom is really concerned about her weight to think like that lol...


SpotShot 6

your mom is a psycho bitch...

SlaveToRetail 10

The hell is wrong with you? Their response was more reasonable then the people calling her a "psycho bitch."

@183 you my friend, are a complete idiot and obviously read this the wrong way. The way it was meant to be read was "my mother unjustly grounded me for her insecurities", not whatever the hell you interpreted it as.

brokenhelix 4

sounds like the typical response any woman I know would have as well. FYL

send me some pics and I'll let you know

ydi for staying in shape...wait a second

sirhobothesecond 3

Tell her she's grounded from donuts and burgers.

Say to her that she's reenforcing the pressures on young women to be thin by grounding you...