By Anonymous - 22/08/2009 01:02 - United States

Today, it was my 17th birthday. My mom forgot and my best friend is out of town. The highlight of my day? The guy at McDonald's slipped an extra apple pie in my bag. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 857
You deserved it 3 180

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You do know that the price is the same for both one and two so they automattically give you two when you order one right?


krogerwater 0

Today was my dad's birthday and i wasn't home all day and then i came home and shit and plugged the toilet up and flooded it. HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAD

jpearce1411 0

How is getting a free apple pie on your birthday a bad day?

I don't do anything special on my birthdays. So...where's the Fml...?

Dee100 0

My parents never remember my birthday. I'm 17 as well. No big deal. Chill out :D

capthavoc123 0

That sucks if true, but I doubt it is. You see, mothers tend to remember the date on which they pushed a massive object out of their ******. It's the sort of pain that leaves a distinct impression on the mind.

not n fml for the reason that op got a free ap pie. u say fml i say happy birthday

On my girlfriends birthday a month ago all of her friends canceled the dinner. When I called her brother to confirm while we were at the restaraunt when everyone said no, he said her dad commited suicide. She has 5 siblings. Think your life is ****** still?

I know, right? She must be extremely busy to forget that.

loserboii 11

So remind your mom or remember to bring it up beforehand next year...or maybe just tell her instead of being so self-pitying? And...don't you have other friends? If could always enjoy your day by yourself. Relax, pamper yourself.