By Anonymous - 22/08/2009 01:02 - United States

Today, it was my 17th birthday. My mom forgot and my best friend is out of town. The highlight of my day? The guy at McDonald's slipped an extra apple pie in my bag. FML
I agree, your life sucks 41 857
You deserved it 3 180

Same thing different taste

Top comments

You do know that the price is the same for both one and two so they automattically give you two when you order one right?


ashleeee 0

lol that suckssss ! your mom freaking gave birth to you; how the heck did she forget ? HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU =]

_paper_moon_ 0
killinmesmalls 0

haha you enjoy that apple pie!

hey, we were born at the exact same date at the exact same year! happy birthday!

Pffft. The ONLY birthday gifts I've ever received from my mother were: a BFI-blue gortex coat complete with cookie-monsteresque fake blue "fur" around the hood. for my sweet 16, and some make up brushes from K&B Drugstore when my boyfriend was on active duty during the Gulf War. We were not poor. My mother was just inconsiderate.

alwaysalady 0

On my 18th birthday, I waited all day to see when someone would acknowledge my birthday. By late that afternoon, I started expecting a surprise party. Nothing happened. The next morning I walked out of my room with a suitcase. My mother asked where I was going. I said that I was moving out since I had turned 18 yesterday. My mom yelled "Son of a bitch!" And wrote me a check for $50. Later that day my dad showed up with a similar sentiment, as did my grandmother and brothers. You wanna know what upstaged my birthday? A college football game. That lost.

Selaphia 3

It would be a much more of a fml if you added "I hate apple pie." at the end. But then it wouldn't be a highlight of the day. XD