By thefailure - 02/08/2009 04:21 - United States
Top comments
I don't think he was really wrong, I think he just didn't know what to say and yelled that out for the sake of putting the attention on himself instead of you. Still, I feel for you because that must have been embarassing.
wow thats imbarasing! FYL.
lol did your husband die?
ydi for marrying a guy who is aware of the internet
what the ****? that's the stupidest thing i have EVER heard. douche.
I think what #49 is trying to say is that the husband goes online enough to be aware of the whole "fail" thing, meaning he goes online too much and needs to get a life.
thats hilarious! gutted @ you
He sounds like a complete tool.
Couldn't have said it better. He could have at least helped you up...
That is like the stupidest thing to say out loud...
Although I laughed quite hard at this FML, it really sucks he didn't pick you up. Haha, this stuff happens in comedies, you'd say, but nooo :D