By MissBeEyeTeeSeeH - 08/11/2009 11:46 - Canada

Today, It was pretty nice out, so I decided to walk to work. Not twenty minutes after leaving, it started to pour. I was soaking when I got there and had to change. My boyfriend works next door, so I asked him if he could give me a ride. His reply? "Sorry Babe, I just can't be seen with you like that." FML
I agree, your life sucks 35 645
You deserved it 4 439

Same thing different taste

Top comments


If not for the location, I'd say you're dating my ex, LOL. I'm sorry, OP, that really does suck. Good luck moving on with your life.

AntiChrist7 0

LOL! Your fault for living in Canada where from all the FML's I've read they're all Eh-holes. (If you don't get the joke then you don't need to know.) Hope you dump him or else when he asks you for something say, "Sorry, sweetie. Tonight just ain't good for me. You don't like me wet remember?"

Yapanesedidwhat 0

well well, im not surprised..BC... JUST the kind of people you can find here!

Um, maybe your boyfriend has a sick mind, and took your words another way. There's more than one meaning when you ask someone for a ride, you know. His response makes more sense if you put it in that context.

You totally deserve it. You're the one who picked him :)