By Anonymous - 09/01/2014 19:02 - United States - Converse

Today, like every day since my wife was prescribed antibiotics for an infection, I had to hide one of the pills inside her food, because she'd apparently rather fall seriously ill than swallow them like an adult. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 790
You deserved it 4 535

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thatonegirlnic 10

You would think with all our technology they would make all pills in gummy form by now. Problem solved

Well, I hope she isn't taking them at a different time and overdosing. If not, that's kind of childish (if she dislikes swallowing pills) unless she doesn't believe in medicine and whatnot.


With antibiotics, can't say I blame her too much. After taking them for a while, it can cause a yeast infection.

oh my just as long as she is getting them!

SavannahSunshine 26

Lots of people can't swallow pills :/

CasualCalvin 13

I can relate. Swallowing pills seriously freaks me out.

Eventually she'll notice...if its a capsule the powder will be easy to hide...otherwise grind one up like the inside of a capsule...

My daughter couldn't swallow pills because she has a very sensitive gag reflex. When she has strep or something where the antibiotics are injectable we always opt for that. Even if you can swallow pills it is so much easier to get one shot instead of taking pills twice a day for two weeks.

It's cool, I do the same thing for my dog.

kellyem2 20

Is she not taking them because she hates pills or because she doesn't want to use antibiotics? If it's the first I feel like there are easier solutions. If it's the second...probably keep doing what you're doing there.

If she doesn't want to take antibiotics, her husband should respect that decision instead of forcing them on her without her knowledge like he would with a child or an animal.