By Anonymous - 09/01/2014 19:02 - United States - Converse

Today, like every day since my wife was prescribed antibiotics for an infection, I had to hide one of the pills inside her food, because she'd apparently rather fall seriously ill than swallow them like an adult. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 790
You deserved it 4 535

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thatonegirlnic 10

You would think with all our technology they would make all pills in gummy form by now. Problem solved

Well, I hope she isn't taking them at a different time and overdosing. If not, that's kind of childish (if she dislikes swallowing pills) unless she doesn't believe in medicine and whatnot.


I don't like the drugs but the drugs like me ~MM

So, wait, are you medicating her against her will? Logic be damned, that's kind of uncool. If she knows you're doing this, fine, but if she made a choice not to take the medication at all, against medical advice, she is an adult and can make that choice.

That's love! In sickness and in health right? My vows given to me by the priest had some line about keeping my hedges trimmed, there was a huge moment of awkward silence caught on my wedding video too as my entire family digested it. Great stuff those vows!

you can't just force her, its her choice to take the pills or not

Is your 'wife' really an adorable puppy?

Hey, I'm 36 years old and no matter how hard I try I can't swallow the darn things. Have some sympathy. The stuff tastes godawful if you have to take it out of the caplets to get it down. (Unless she *can* swallow pills and just doesn't want to take these.) Finally folks, remember, use antibiotics when prescribed but be careful about overuse and even overprescription. That's how we get antibiotic-resistant bugs.

From what you mentioned, having to hide the medicine in her food implies that she isn't aware of the medicine and is unwilling to take it herself. I'm sure your actions were met with good intentions, but giving someone medication without their knowledge or consent is pretty shifty (and probably illegal). Unless the patient is an infant or comatose adult (or if you're her physician), it should only be up to the discretion of both the physician and the person taking the medication. It's her choice not to take the medication, and if she does become worse-off, then she chose to avoid taking her medicine and must follow through with the consequences, however it may indirectly affect you. As a few others have mentioned, if pills aren't her thing, she needs to be an adult about this and seek other forms of intake, such as shots or liquid medication, instead of putting herself at risk and worrying you to anxiety.

Thank you! I hadn't even considered the legal aspect, just how morally unsound medicating someone against their will was.

Yeah, I know how hard it is to get girls to swallow too.