By Anonymous - 09/01/2014 19:02 - United States - Converse

Today, like every day since my wife was prescribed antibiotics for an infection, I had to hide one of the pills inside her food, because she'd apparently rather fall seriously ill than swallow them like an adult. FML
I agree, your life sucks 46 790
You deserved it 4 535

Same thing different taste

Top comments

thatonegirlnic 10

You would think with all our technology they would make all pills in gummy form by now. Problem solved

Well, I hope she isn't taking them at a different time and overdosing. If not, that's kind of childish (if she dislikes swallowing pills) unless she doesn't believe in medicine and whatnot.


If she rathers get seriously ill,you need to have a deep conversation with her. Not drug her against her will.

It seriously annoys me seeing comments telling OP he is 'A sweetheart' and a 'Good husband' for drugging none other than his significant other against her knowledge and will. If you had good intentions,you'd treat her like an adult (let her do what she decides to do while talking to her about the consequences). not severe the trust between you and try to justify it with 'Good' intentions. Personally,I rather resort to pills as a last resort. Maybe OP's wife is the same. Maybe she even doesn't mind getting ill. Either way you need to TALK to her about it,not drug her. If my SO even thought about forcing pills down my throat (hiding it,even) I'd break up with them immediately and probably punch them out of anger.

Quiet_one 22

While I agree that the legal aspect of this is shady at best, waving it off as "she doesn't mind getting ill" doesn't make sense either. Bacterial infections generally don't get better all on their own, hence why so many people died from them before penicillin came along (and also why resistance to antibiotics is such a big deal). Maybe the doctor didn't communicate the necessity of the medication effectively, or maybe she's just stupid or doesn't care. Either way, I sympathize with the OP's frustration as I have a family member who refuses to follow the advice of several doctors, and as a result is probably going to die from a reversible condition. If there was a way I could trick him into doing it, I would without hesitation. It may not be "right," but I can understand why the OP would do it.

Is she on birth control? Antibiotics can block the effect of birth control. If you are having sex still, she may be not taking them because she knows this and doesn't want to get pregnant. If she is on birth control, and you are sexually active while you are sneaking her the antibiotics, you may be adding an extra member to your family in 9 months.

Why are you all making excuses for this person? She's an adult not a toddler, and she should be well aware of the consequences of her actions! Unless she's opposed to medication she should be old enough to take care of herself!

The only way I can consume antibiotics is when I crush them up and hide the dose in a spoonful of ice cream. The ice cream helps to numb my mouth- especially if I've already eaten a lot- and to hide the awful flavor of the pills. I had to use this method with one of my cats too. She tasted her pills even when crushed and mixed with flavorful wet food.

Is it a phobia? You can't really accuse her of immaturity if it is.

Sounds like my girlfriend, though it's kicking and screaming to the hospital, not so much meds.